Former sceptic..

I AM a skeptic & I can honestly say this amazing company & their wonderful products are the real deal! I have 4 prod's and LOVE them! Meditations have gone to a whole new level. When I wear the plasma rings I just feel a noticeable sense of peace & well being...I have met Jonah & his team, it is obvious they truly care for the healing & health of humanity! Deepest gratitude to you all!

-E Collins

Injury healed in record time

Healer heal thyself, that is what I often tell myself.... just want to share my latest revelation with you all. Two days ago, I somehow badly bruised my ribs and found myself in terrible pain. I couldn't sit or lay down comfortably and I was miserable. I got myself into our plasma unit and used the harmony wand which lessened the pain enough for me to rest comfortably through the night. But it wasn't healing fast enough for impatient me! So the next day I applied first a 'pain pad set' and the pain lessened considerably, next I applied the 'injury pad set' (each has a unique formula to deal with the different issues associated with pain) And I am happy to report that I have only a whisper of discomfort now. I continue to spend about half an hour a day in the plasma unit, (but I do that anyway) and use the harmony wand to draw out the excess energy while alternating the set of pads. Even I am amazed at how quickly this injury has healed! Thank you Keshe for introducing this amazing technology for all of us to benefit from. So grateful.

Side note: we've decided to make Jumbo sizes for our pain pads as I needed the larger size to cover the entire painful rib area (those will be 6.5" x 4.5")


Deep grief released

I was fortunate enough to be one of the first to receive a plasma necklace from Harmony Holistics. Within a 24 hour period I experienced a deep emotional release of grief that I wasn't even aware of. I went from soul deep pain to great joy and freedom within hours. I also had access to the healing beds for a good portion of the summer. I cannot express the gratitude I have to Jonah and Margaret for their contribution to the healing of the planet. Most of my family and friends are wearing the necklaces daily and all have expressed their feelings of wellbeing. I now have a plasma bed that I use on a regular basis and feel with certainty that lying in it has raised my vibration and contributed to the quality of my life. Thank you Harmony Holistics.

-Ellen H

Supporting addiction recovery

July 11, 2019

I have some feedback as well as far as the Trinity…

Where I am at in my recovery, cravings are at a minimum(🙏) but when they do

happen they can be very acute. It’s not so much the substance but what it

represented, a total release and numbing from emotional pain. Due to my

intensive shadow work I feel like there isn't much pain left to fuel these

cravings but they do surface nonetheless and can be unsettling.

I’ve noticed when putting on the trinity they started to happen more

frequently but with little to no emotional charge to them. As if it were

packaged in objectivity so I could deal with them. At first I wasn’t a fan

but then embraced the process and I’ve found if I just sit with them and

process them emotionally, I’m able to see rationally how it doesn't serve me

anymore. Not that I wasn't aware of that in the past but this seems to be

on a deeper level, energetically, an inner knowing.

As time has passed the craving aspect has subsided and I feel as if any

lingering emotional traumas associated with my drug abuse are surfacing and

also situations in my life are manifesting in conjunction to allow me to

deal with them. Overall its pretty powerful stuff!

- Chris B

Creating calm

September 8, 2019

The necklace and bracelets arrived yesterday and when I put them on a calmness came over me.  

The day before a rescue dog that is going to another person who is on vacation was dropped off at my house for a couple of weeks until the new owner gets back.  She’s thin, matted, and afraid and would not come out of the little kennel that came with her. It seemed to be her security. I laid the necklace on her and she didn't mind, then I put it under her for awhile.  She came out and before evening she was letting me pet her and even wanted on my lap. She may have done these things eventually but you can't deny her immediate response.

-Diana D

Tried a hanging Plasma Unit

​“Thank you for introducing me to The Plasma Health Unit. I could not be more grateful.

I fully intend to use this amazing tool as an important adjunct alongside the Craniosacral work I do.

​It is easy to foresee the numerous and excellent benefits it has to bring to holistic practitioners, their clients and other individuals.

I do think that by treating both my clients and myself with The Health Unit, we both will receive a more highly enriched experience from the work we do. I can’t wait to see what the next experience will bring!

Sitting in the chair surrounded by the cocoon of circular tubes and paraphernalia, this is what I noticed:

​Immediately, there was a sense of calm. I did not arrive that way. In fact, I had a certain amount of anxiety.

The calmness I felt enabled me to open to the experience without carrying any type of agenda.

There was a soft, although powerful energy that was wonderfully comforting.

Days after, I still feel calm and comforted.

​I truly felt I was with a knowing intelligence that was gifting me the most important healing and the best possible wellness, for my body, mind and spirit. There was an easy trust and a conjoining.

​I saw dark holes come up over and over. Each time, a violet light moved in and disintegrated the black holes. I could see and feel lightning- like connectivity, especially through my fingertips from the cocoon. It had strength, but was gentle.

​At the finish, I removed myself from the chair and… I have no other way to describe this:

I felt C L E A N, washed and rinsed, cleansed from the inside out…what an amazing feeling!

​I believe The Plasma Health Unit has the ability to provide really great change within people’s worlds.

If you like to be on the cutting edge and want to provide seriously profound change for your own wellness and that of your clients, please go ahead. Do your own research. Try it out for yourself. You will be happy you did.”

-Louise L