Supporting addiction recovery

July 11, 2019

I have some feedback as well as far as the Trinity…

Where I am at in my recovery, cravings are at a minimum(🙏) but when they do

happen they can be very acute. It’s not so much the substance but what it

represented, a total release and numbing from emotional pain. Due to my

intensive shadow work I feel like there isn't much pain left to fuel these

cravings but they do surface nonetheless and can be unsettling.

I’ve noticed when putting on the trinity they started to happen more

frequently but with little to no emotional charge to them. As if it were

packaged in objectivity so I could deal with them. At first I wasn’t a fan

but then embraced the process and I’ve found if I just sit with them and

process them emotionally, I’m able to see rationally how it doesn't serve me

anymore. Not that I wasn't aware of that in the past but this seems to be

on a deeper level, energetically, an inner knowing.

As time has passed the craving aspect has subsided and I feel as if any

lingering emotional traumas associated with my drug abuse are surfacing and

also situations in my life are manifesting in conjunction to allow me to

deal with them. Overall its pretty powerful stuff!

- Chris B